unique perspectives from six people

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why Do We Smoke?

#1 It Has To Be To Impress The Opposite Sex

It has to be to impress the opposite sex. Why else would you smoke? It can't be for the smell, the taste or for the cancer that seems to be a "Thank You" gift for many years of smoking. I think the billions spent in advertising back in the day worked and stuck with us. The image of the Marlboro man with his strong jaw line, cowboy boots and his 5 o'clock shadow...there's a reason they didn't pick the small frail male model with black eyeliner. They picked someone who woman wanted and men want to be. It's all about making ourselves attractive in the eyes of someone else.

Submitted by Tabitha Frohardt-Johnson. Visit her blog, TFJ Photography {Beautifully You}.

#2 "You Know, You Should Really Put Down That Drumstick..."

I smoke. There, I said it. I smoke because I love the unique bouquet created by a good red wine mixed with a cheap cigarette. I smoke because I enjoy the feeling invoked by brooding while inhaling and exhaling thick, tarry smoke. I smoke because something about great conversation with friends is enhanced by passing around a box of Newports and giving in to the abandon of the moment.

I also smoke because I'm addicted to a degree; if not physically, definitely mentally. I smoke less than four or five cigarettes a day, but I shamefully admit the addiction part of it. I shamefully admit that sometimes during a stressful work day all I can think is, "God, I need a cigarette," at which point I take a break outside to smoke and let the nicotine calm my nerves (the cigarette buzz is real, my friends).

My point is that smokers like myself smoke for a myriad of reasons. So, when approached and told by well-meaning friends or strangers, "You should quit! That's so bad for you," mentally I'm already thinking, "REALLY? Holy shit! I had no idea!" I mean, honestly, it's not the first time me or any other smoker have been told this. We're not stupid; it's not as if we don't know it's bad for us. Anyone who has had a rough night of smoking and drinking to wake up to a raspy voice and coughing knows this. But, there are a ton of different reasons we do it anyway. We've weighed the good versus the bad, and decided to do it anyway.

I akin smoking to eating greasy, sugary, or processed foods and not exercising. Both are terrible for you. As a matter of fact, one could argue that eating greasy, sugary, or processed foods and not exercising could be worse for your health than smoking. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Diabetes is the seventh. Yes, cancer is the second, but after skin and lung cancer, colorectal cancer is one of the three most common cancers. What causes heart disease, diabetes, and colorectal cancer? Eating greasy, sugary, or processed foods and not exercising. But, would it be acceptable for me to walk up to someone I don't know at the local Popeye's and tell them, "You know, you should really put down that drumstick... It's so bad for you!" Absolutely not! For some reason, though, it's become acceptable to vilify smokers in this way.

So, pardon me if I am unapologetic for enjoying a cigarette every now and then. I will quit when I feel the time is right. But, in the meantime, leave me to my Newports and organic, non-bGH milk, and I'll leave you to your hot wings and cola.

Submitted by Amanda Rogers, Esq. Visit her blog - Seven Eighty One.

#3 "Will That Be Smoking Or Non-Smoking?"

I think the reason why people smoke is because smoking is more than an activity, it's a culture. Smoking has become such a way of life that we are even required to identify our associated category every time we step into a restaurant, "will that be smoking or non-smoking?" Similar to other discoveries, humans indulged into the fascinations of tobacco while embracing it's stimulation long before the knowledge of any of the negative implications it possesses. Though, despite all we have learned about tobacco, I do believe the real reason why people continue to smoke is simply because it legal to do so. Look at alcohol. We all know that without alcohol a person would probably live out a more healthy life, but we do it anyways. I am not sure what satisfaction comes from smoking - I tried it once and didn't care for it, but as long as it is legal and there continues to be no noticeable immediate consequences, people will smoke.

Submitted by Damian Trudell, Visit his blog - "My Thoughts"

#4 Desperately Gasping For Air From Your Oxygen Mask

Why would healthy minded, thinking adults choose to begin and continue an ever-increasingly expensive habit, which is known to be more addictive than many illegal drugs, makes you feel really bad in its absence, and carries with it a very strong possibility of ending your life by painfully eating out your insides until all of your organs fail and you've wasted away to nothing while desperately gasping for air from your oxygen mask?

From a non-smoker's perspective, I’m really not sure, but here are my thoughts:

The first picture that comes to mind is large groups of women standing around outside at lunch, or before and after work, all with cigarettes in their hands, puffing away and gabbing about the day's events or what their stupid husbands did the day before. And I know from experience that it's a little bit uncomfortable to hang with the big smoking gang if you're not also smoking. This is because all the smokers can stand around, talking with their friends, while pretending that the only reason they're hanging out is to smoke. If you don't have a cigarette, you have to admit you're just there to hang out with people, and maybe you want to be their friend, which is a much more vulnerable position.

The second thought is, of course, addiction. In our ten year marriage, my husband has quit smoking - successfully - 3 times. And I know from watching, that once you start, it is REALLY hard to stop. And while you're stopping, you are a huge pain in the butt to your loved ones who are trying to support you until the withdrawals ease up.

My last thought is more about how you started, which is a lot like the first paragraph: you're friends are doing it, or you think it's cool. And perhaps, in your youthful - or not so youthful - arrogance, you're just sure that YOU won't get addicted. You'll just check it out. You wouldn't want to be naive and not know what it's like, right? And then after whatever got you there gets you there, you're back to my second thought: it is really hard to stop.

Vicious cycle anyone?

Submitted by Beth Rogers. Visit her blog - Veritable Observations.

#5 I Smoke Every Day

There is a difference between smoking cigarettes and smoking cigars.

Though I am not an avid smoker of either, some of my best memories with friends are from back in the day on the porch smoking
cheap Swisher Sweets. And even though my voice was raspy the next day, the community (and memories) I have were definitely worth it.

I believe smoking is largely about participating in community. When we were all together - smoking a cigar - there was something inherently connective there. This isn't new, though...t
he Native Americans were smoking for community long ago - hence, the practice of smoking the "Peace Pipe". This is probably the best place, though, for the obvious departure from "smoking for community" and our more recent devolution - "smoking for addiction".

We smoke because we have to. Those that choose to smoke, likely do so because of addiction and have very little active desire to continue the practice. And though I don't personally smoke, I do breathe in second hand smoke every morning/evening as I walk through the basement of the parking garage - why would they put the "designated" smoking area there??? In a sense, I smoke every day.

Submitted by Jason L. Buchanan. Visit his Facebook Profile.

#6 I Just Can't

After I was diagnosed with diabetes, I was told by my doctor that if I continued smoking I'd die faster. I want a cigarette so bad, but I just can't.

Submitted by Anonymous.